In the morning we had breakfast but I wasn’t very hungry. We got into our gear and off we went in the zodiacs for our hike.
Our local guide was wonderful and he talked about all of the flora that was all around Ainsworth Bay. It was very interesting and so beautiful. He said nothing is poisonous on the island and he showed us Indian bread which are mushrooms that are edible. They make a delicious salad.
There was a lot of mud but we managed pretty well with our hiking poles. The scenery was breathtaking.
And then, we went back in a zodiac, had our feet hosed off, and we were given a nice hot toddy.
Then off for lunch. All the meals will be on the ship. I didn’t want anything on the menu and neither did Allan, so we both ordered a salad which was delicious.
Around 4:15 we boarded the zodiacs again and went to Tuckers Islets to view the Magellanic penguins and the cormorants.
We had a port lecture on glaciers which was very interesting and then it was off to dinner.
After dinner we went to the top deck to watch as we cruised through the narrowest part of the Magellan Strait. Some folks went out to see the southern cross, but Allan and I had seen that in the Outback in Australia so we didn’t go out.
We sat with friends at the bar for awhile and then it was to bed. We had to put everything in our room on the floor because they said the water would get rough during the night.
It was a great day and we welcomed the night for a good night’s sleep.