Flight to Santiago

Packing for this trip was challenging. We will be in very hot weather at Iguazo Falls, freezing cold in the Chilean fjords, and battling brisk winds in Patagonia. We need bathing suits for some parts of the trip, long underwear and heavy jackets for another area, and waterproof everything for the zodiacs.

Layer, layer, layer is the mantra and we did our best to follow that rule. We are limited to 33 lbs for checked luggage per Argentinian airlines, but Overseas Adventure Travel has offered to pay the extra cost that might be incurred should we exceed the limit. However, it is up to the discretion of the airlines if they will be insisting on the 33 lb limit.

We clock in at about 31 lbs for each of our checked luggage, so I think we’ll be okay.

We called the Uber driver to take us to the airport from our son’s home in Jersey, and when he came, he got out of the car, opened the back trunk door and said…”I don’t have room for your luggage”. What??? And sure enough, a piece of luggage and a huge brown box was in the back. He said he still had a passenger’s luggage and belongings in the back. Even stranger!

Anyway, he cancelled the ride and we ordered another driver. But you’ve got to ask yourself… Why would we be going to the airport and not have any luggage with us??? And why would he be riding around with another passenger’s luggage in his trunk??? (Queue in the twilight zone music!)

We had a bite to eat in the American Airlines lounge and then boarded our plane to Miami. Everything was going great until…

…Tune in tomorrow for our unbelievable 24 hour adventure!

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