St. Lucia – Friday

We had a lovely morning walking the beach after breakfast and enjoying the surf and then we sat at the pool for an hour or so and had a drink. I took a dip a few times and with the sun shining it was wonderful. There is a ledge where your chair is at the pool, so you can either hang your feet or just take the plunge and go right in. Perfect.

We went back to the room and showered and then played 5 crowns. While we were sitting on the balcony, one of the bartenders waved to us from below as he carried coconuts that have been cut open to put a straw in to drink the coconut water. The next thing we knew, he was at our door serving us the coconuts. So sweet of him.

Lunch had a Caribbean theme so I had jerk chicken and rice and peas with my salad.

We went back to the room for a little nap and then it was back down for drinks by the pool. We sat with a lovely young couple from Britain and told then about NYC since they plan on traveling there in a few months.

Allan was promised they’d have his Glenlivet single malt scotch at the bar we frequent, but a new shipment came in today and it wasn’t unpacked yet. But the head bartender sent one of the other bartenders to get it for Allan at another bar. Very nice of him to do that. And when we were ready to leave for dinner, the other bartender ran over and refilled Allan’s glass. They really treat you great here.

We sat at the fire pit waiting to go to Pitons restaurant, listening to the surf crashing. Just love being at the ocean.

Pitons for dinner was very nice and we enjoyed a Caribbean dinner. We sat out on the balcony overlooking the ocean.

Then it was back to the room for a soak in our balcony soaking tub. Below our room, they set up the sound system and they had a singer singing 80’s hits so we enjoyed listening from our balcony as we went to sleep.

Today is my Rod Stewart’s 80th birthday. Happy birthday Sir Stewart and may you have many more!

Very nice wine

The moon above

At the fire pit with the scotch.