St. Lucia – Monday

We saw two huge cruise ships sail into the harbor this morning and I could watch them sail by as I showered. It’s a pretty neat idea to have the window in the shower looking out over the water.

We went down to the pool area that overlooks the ocean and staked out two chairs. The chairs are plentiful but it seems people grab them early and keep them for the day. The chairs we took faced the crashing waves of the ocean with the pool behind us, so a rather perfect spot.

We had breakfast and then spent the morning reading and lounging at the ocean. It’s a perfect day… Warm with a beautiful breeze.

We went back to the room to call the photo place to arrange for our free photo shoot and from our balcony, Allan spotted someone in the chair we had staked out. (The staff at the resort told us if you find a chair, put something on it and it’s yours for the day. Of course we wouldn’t keep it for the whole day, but if you want to go to lunch or get a drink, you should be able to save your chair.)We had clothes-pinned our towels with big bright clips to our chairs, so we were surprised someone would sit in one. We made our phone call, and went back down to the pool. The girl was sitting there and I said “I think you’re in my chair”!

My mind went back to our Panama canal trip when I got up early in the morning to save chairs for Allan, myself, and our friends, so that we had front row seats going through the canal. Hours later, but still early morning, a Canadian woman comes and starts arguing and telling me I couldn’t save chairs. (She didn’t know I was a Queens NYC girl and was already fantasizing about her being tossed overboard… By me, because she was now annoying me!) I told her “I can save chairs… and I did!” Now she’s yelling at me and pulling my chairs away. I’m holding on to them for dear life…when suddenly, all the other people who got up at 5 with me to save chairs for friends and family started telling the lady… “Leave her chairs alone. If you wanted chairs… You should have gotten up early like we did!” YES!! Victory!! The lady hung her head and slunk away. So I was hoping not to have to toss this girl, who was sitting in my chair, into the ocean for taking a chair that obviously belonged to someone else. But she meekly stood up and said sorry and walked away. Nice try sweetie…but no dice!

We stayed at the pool and had a drink and then went back to our room to get ready for lunch. Allan spotted from our balcony, a guy cutting and serving coconuts, so we went down to check it out. He wielded the machete like a pirate, cut the coconut top off, shaved the bottom, stuck a straw in and we added the rum. The coconuts are green and have not ripened yet, so the water inside is not sweet. It was okay… but not very tasty. I prefer the ripened coconuts. They say the coconut water is healthy so I guess I got my vitamins… along with the rum. (Does the rum cancel out the vitamins??? Who knows! )

We decided to have pizza for lunch. We ordered Margherita pizzas and they said it would be about 15 minutes and to take a seat at one of the tables and they’d bring the pizzas to us. We waited for quite a long time and finally Allan went up to see where the pizzas were. They were in the warming oven. No one brought them to us. We opened the box and saw that the pizzas were not the margherita ones we are used to. I don’t think they know about basil. I took one slice and thought it was pretty awful so I didn’t eat it. Allan didn’t think his was that bad. Since I was still hungry, we went over to the main restaurant and I had a delicious salad.

We went to the quiet pool for an hour and then went to the bar for a drink. Allan went to get cookies and came back and said there was an event going on at the pool so off we went to check it out. They were giving out drinks and also tickets to win prizes. One of the guys gave me a ticket and lo and behold… my ticket number was the first called.

I won a saucer and kind of urn with a lid from the gift shop. It probably is used for bath salts that could be put by a tub, but could be used for anything I guess. Allan happened to go by the gift shop and he saw another one on the shelf. The cost: About $100 if you were to purchase the whole ensemble – saucer and urn.

While we were there, Ray from yesterday went by and hugged me and insisted I take a photo with her. She says if we need anything, just let her know. She’s so sweet and it’s nice to have a staff member looking out for you.

Had dinner at the English pub. They have Guinness which I enjoyed and Allan had a Shiraz. Allan ordered the fish and chips and the fish was trout so I passed on that thinking it might be fishy, but Allan said it wasn’t. I had a really good burger.

We chatted with another couple who said that someone told them that the Sandals in Grenada is really good. Might be something to investigate for the future.

It’s Carnival night and the steel drums are playing. Love listening to them. Then, while the music played, finished off the day with a nice warm soak in the soaking tub on the balcony. So glad we opted for that extra.

You can see the ocean thru the shower window in this pic.

The obligatory toes pic

My salad. Yum!


My prize