We’re off on another adventure – this time to tour the last continent that we have not been to as of yet. It will be a rugged trip…lots of hiking, swimming in the Great Barrier Reef, camping in the Outback, and many more adventures that we hope will be wonderful.
We decided not to take the pre-trip to Tasmania nor the Post-trip Bay of Islands. Upon looking at the itineraries, we decided not much was happening that we were interested in, and actually, being away for a month as it is, would be enough travel time away from home.
It is a very long flight…Newark to Dallas and then a 17 hour flight to Melbourne. We’re traveling business class so at least we’ll be able to hopefully get some sleep. I’m hoping to see many movies that we’ve missed in the theaters as well.
As long as the internet cooperates, I hope to blog everyday except in the Outback as we will not have electricity or internet connection there.
See you in Melbourne!