Before dinner last night, we met a couple in the Explorer’s Lounge for a pre-dinner drink, and had a lot of fun getting to know each other as we sailed closer and closer to the Drake Passage.
They had early dinner reservations, so we said goodbye, and Allan and I went to the World Cafe for a little sushi before going for our 8 o’clock dinner reservation at the specialty Italian restaurant, Manfredi’s. While at the World Cafe, (on the advice of numerous crew members that I had been polling concerning the Drake passage the minute I boarded the ship), I picked up some breadsticks and a green apple, and brought the plate back to our cabin to help in case of nausea. The crew also mentioned sipping ginger ale, and fortunately, our refrig had a few bottles stocked inside already.
We went to dinner, and happened to sit next to our new friends, so we continued the laughs and the conversation. While dining, a pod of hourglass dolphins swam by close to the ship, and our friend was fortunate to snap a pic.
The football game was on in the Living Room after dinner, and many people were watching the game, but we decided to call it a night and turn in.
About 12 am, the mountain range that we were following ended, and we entered the Drake passage. I read for awhile as the waves began to build, but soon fell asleep as did Allan. I woke up numerous times during the night to the swells, but I’m happy to say the scopolamine patch did its job and I felt fine. Getting up to use the bathroom was a little tricky as the ship was really rolling, but all in all, life in the Drake Passage was going much better than I had feared.
Morning dawned and the waves were still rocking, and looking out our picture window as the sun was beginning to peek over the horizon, made for a beautiful photo op.
And the plate of seasickness remedy still sits, untouched.

So happy I didn’t get seasick
at all and didn’t need them. Yay!!
Yes!!! Fingers crossed for the return journey! Xo
Yes… I’m so happy the passage wasn’t as bad as I feared. Although… Still have to do the return voyage thru it. Xoxo
Thanks Barbara! It’s been really amazing!
It was awesome! Xo
Your photo of sunrise in the Drake Passage is stunning!
What an adventure! It looks as though you made it through the dreaded passage and are on the way to more adventures.
I’m glad you made it through the Drake Passage without any sea sickness. Now eat those apples and breadsticks!
Conquered! The Drake Passage! Yay!
I’ll be looking for the apple and breadsticks 🙃